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Reconstruction of the u = 1 Quantum Hall Edge 

A. Karlhede and K. Lejnell 
Department of Physics, Stockholm University, Box 6730, S-11385 Stockholm, Sweden 

- - - The sharp v = 1 quantum Hall edge present for hard confinement is shown to have two modes that 

go soft as the confining potential softens. This signals a second order transition to a reconstructed 
' edge that is either a depolarized spin-texture edge or a polarized charge density wave edge. 


D ' Keywords: Quantum Hall edges, spin textures. 

00 ■ 



In the Quantum Hall (QH) effect at ferromagnetic fillings there are excitations "skyrmions" that involve spin 
' textures - topologically nontrivial configurations of the spins. [Q There is experimental evidence that skyrmions are 
i-^ . the lowest energy charged excitations &l v = 1. A basic feature of these spin textures is that the topological 

C/3 ' density is proportional to the charge density. As a consequence, low energy smooth variations in the charge density 
, can be achieved by texturing the spins. We here discuss another example where this mechanism seems to be at work, 
^ ' namely at the edges of QH systems. 

We consider the edge of a ^ = 1 QH system as the confining potential softens from a hard confinement where 
the edge is sharp. Calculating the excitations about the sharp edge we find two modes that soften as the confining 
potential softens. One is a spin flip mode and one is a polarized mode. The softening modes signal second order phase 
transitions to a spin texture edge and a charge density wave edge respectively. For small Zeeman energies the initial 
^ . instability is to the spin textured edge. We predict that the textured edge has a new gapless mode. Experimentally, 
O the textured edge is signalled by its sensitivity to the value of the Zeeman energy and the associated depolarization 
O , of the edge. 




0^ ; 

' Our system is a two-dimensional electron gas in a perpendicular magnetic field B. The electron gas is confined to 
, a wide bar with two straight edges. We assume the confining potential at the left edge always to be strong so that 
' the system is a spin polarized v = 1 quantum Hall state at this edge and that this state continues deep into the bulk. 
! The orbital Hilbert space is restricted to the lowest Landau level. 

We consider the right edge of this v = I quantum Hall liquid as a function of the strength of the confining potential 
at this edge. When the potential is strong the ground state is a polarized ly — 1 state where all the spin up orbitals 
from k — (left edge) out to a maximum momentum kp (right edge) are filled: 

-I— > 

1^=1)= n 4tio) ■ (1) 

c : 



'^ka creates electrons in the lowest Landau level with momentum k = lixukj L, = 0, ±1, ±2, ... and spin cj =|, j. The 
' corresponding wave functions are — {^Ll)^^l'^e^^'^e~'^^l^~^^^'^ 1"^ , where I = ^JficjeB is the magnetic length. L is 
the length of the edge and we assume periodic boundary conditions along the edge and use Landau gauge A = Bxy . 
The state \v ~ V) has a sharp spin polarized edge: In momentum space the density falls discontinuously to zero, 
5^ , whereas in real space it falls to zero over a length of order I. This is the simplest of the sharp quantum Hall edges 
that have been studied extensively, see e.g. 

The Hamiltonian is constructed by taking matrix elements of the Coulomb interaction V{y) — e^/(e|r|) between 
states in the lowest Landau level, in the presence of a background charge density Pb(r) which makes the system neutral 
and confines the electron gas. For now, we follow standard practise and implement the confining potential by taking pj, 
to fall linearly from a constant bulk value (27r^^)~^ to over a distance w at the edge. However, it turns out that this 
gives a non-generic confining potential, see below. The Hamiltonian also contains the Zeeman term Hz — gpsBSz, 
where Sz is the component of the total spin along B. The problem is characterized by two dimensionless parameters: 


9 = 9IJ'BB/{e'^ /ei), the ratio of the Zeeman energy [gjiBB) to the typical Coulomb energy (e^ jet) and w = wjl^ 
which is a measure of the "softness" of the edge. 

We study the edge and the edge modes as functions of g and w. When w = 0, the sharp edge {\v = 1)) is the 
ground state for any g. However, when w increases, charge will eventually move outwards and the edge reconstructs. 
[p[-pl| The question is how this happens. It is also clear that for large enough g the ground state is spin polarized. 

We first consider particle- hole excitations of the sharp edge \v = 1). Excitations of this ferromagnetic ground state 
are characterized by two quantum numbers: momentum q and spin s, corresponding to translations along the edge 
and rotations of the spins about the z-axis respectively. The possible ph-excitations are 

^|Cfe||i^-l) (polarized excitations) (2) 
|g, 5 = 1)= ^ '4^kic\+qiCk'\\v = I) (spin flip excitations) . 


The wave functions V'fco- and the energies are determined by diagonalizing the Hamiltonian in the ph-subspace. 


q(/'' ) 

FIG. 1. Excitations of energy E and momentum q of the sharp edge \v = 1) sX w = Q and g = Q. 

Fig. |l| shows the lowest energy excitations at w = and .g = for g > 0. The s = modes are the gapless chiral 
{q > 0) edge magnetoplasmons, corresponding to one-particle, two-particle etc. branches of the one dimensional 
massless field theory. The lowest branch agrees with the analytic result E — —-f In (1/7/8(7), 7 « 1.78. The 
s — 1 excitations are non-chiral and the gapless mode is the Goldstone mode of the quantum Hall ferromagnet. The 
higher energy modes all have gaps. For small q these branches are above the bulk spin wave energy, but at some 
critical momentum, qc, each branch falls below this energy. For q < qc, the states extend into the bulk, whereas they 
become localized at the edge for q > q^. The Zeeman energy is included, g 7^ 0, by shifting all s = 1 energies by g. 
(The pairing of branches seen in the figure is due to the two edges of the QH bar.) 

Upon softening the confining potential, i.e., increasing w the lowest s — Q and s — 1 modes soften and for each 
mode the energy becomes negative at some critical Wc (and for some q) thus signalling an instability of the sharp 
edge, see Fig. ^. 


q(/' ) 

FIG. 2. Excitations of energy E and momentum q of the sharp edge = 1) at to = 7.04 and 3 = 0. 

At vanishing Zeeman energy, g — 0, this happens first for the spin flip mode at Wsf = 6.77 and subsequently, at 
lipoi — 7.29, for the polarized mode. A nonzero g disfavours the spin flip mode and there is a critical gc above which 
the spin flip instability is preempted by the polarized instability. (For the w-model gc — 0.016, but for a more realistic 
confining potential gc is likely to be larger, see below.) The polarized reconstruction where a lump of quantum Hall 
liquid is split off and deposited a distance £ from the bulk happens only at Whoie = 9.0. Thus this instability is 

preempted by the instabilities discussed here. 


Having identified two modes that go soft as the confinement softens thus signalling instabilities of the sharp edge, 
we here identify what the corresponding new ground states are. The ground state corresponding to the spin flip mode 
is a spin texture state 

|TEX,9)= n K4T+«fe4+,i)|0> . (3) 


where \uk\'^ + |wfcp = 1 {uk,Vk can be choosen real and positive). The sharp edge is obtained if = 1 for all k. For 
small deviations from the sharp edge Vk are small and Ufe w 1, the ground state then becomes 

|TEX,g)«(l+ J2 ^kcl^.l^kdW ^ ■ (4) 


The textured ground state (||) can thus be thought of as a condensation of spin flip excitations, cf. (||). The state 
|TEX, q) is a spin texture state of the same type as the one that describes skyrmion quasi particles with topological 
charge q. 

The edge spin texture can also be analyzed within the nonlinear cr— model (where the spin is represented as a unit 
vector n(r)) that describes the long distance spin dynamics of a QH ferromagnet. The edge spin texture takes the 

n.+m, = yW^eW) , n, = f{x) , (5) 

where f — fix) approaches 1 deep in the bulk and falls below 1 at the edge. This ansatz leads to the topological (and 
hence charge) density g(r) = {—k/A-K)df/dx. Thus the spin is polarized deep in the bulk (n^ =/ = !), but starts 
tilting as the edge is approached (n^ = /<!). Moving along the edge, the spin in the edge region rotates around 
the 2;-direction with wave vector k. By numerically integrating the equations of motion obtained from the non-linear 
cr— model one determines f{x) and k. This gives results, for 5 ^ 1, that agrees with Hartree-Fock calculations for the 
transition to the textured edge. 


The ground state that corresponds to the polarized (s = 0) excitations in is obtained by replacing | by t in (H) 
(this also restricts the range of k) 

|CDW,g)= n K4t+^'c4+,t)|0) ■ (6) 

kp —q<k<kF 

In this state charge is moved outwards at the price of modulating the charge density along the edge, thus forming a 
charge density wave (CDW) edge. 

FIG. 3. Phase diagram for the u — 1 edge. 

Fig. ^ shows a typical phase diagram in the wg-plane. w should be understood as some measure of a confining 
potential. It turns out that only the topology of the phase diagram is stable under changes in the confining potential, 
whereas the position of the phase boundaries (and hence gc) is very sensitive. In particular, one finds that the slope 
of the softening s = 1 dispersion curve vanishes at zero momentum for the w-model. Generically, the slope will be 
negative when the potential softens and this will favour the spin flip instability (increasing gc) since the s = 1 mode 
goes as whereas the s = mode goes as q\nq. It is also possible to have a combination of a spin texture and a 
charge density wave edge as indicated in Fig. ^. Q 


The sharp edge, = 1), is invariant under translations along the edge, ty, as well as under rotations of the spins 
around the z-axis, Sz- The textured edge, in Hartree-Fock (||) or in the effective theory (^), is invariant only under 
the linear combination ty + qsz, whereas the orthogonal combination is spontaneously broken. (In (|^), the angle 9 
labels the degenerate ground states and the degenerate microscopic states are obtained from (^) by making a rotation 
of the spins around the z-axis.) As a consequence of the broken symmetry there is a gapless Goldstone mode. Note 
that the broken symmetry is a symmetry also in the presence of the Zeeman term, thus the mode is gapless also 
for g ^ 0. When quantum fluctuations are included the broken symmetry will be restored. However, we expect an 
algebraic long range order and that the gapless mode survives. 

By first determining the textured ground state, at some point {w,g), in Hartree-Fock and then considering ph- 
excitations, corresponding to (0), we obtain the excitations of the textured edge. 


* textured edge 
a sharp edge, s=1 
i sharp edge, s=0 

-0.10 I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 

-2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 

P ('■') 

FIG. 4. Excitations of energy E and momentum p of the textured edge at li; = 7.0, g — 0.006 and q — 0.75. 

Fig. ^ shows the result for w = 7.04, g — 0.006 and q = 0.75. This is close to the transition from the sharp 
edge and the modes for the sharp edge have been included for comparison. (The data for the sharp edge is also for 
w = 7.04, g = 0.006; it is not the ground state at this point.) We see that the polarized modes evolve smoothly into 
new modes of the textured edge, whereas the lowest spin flip mode becomes gapless and has a very flat dispersion 
relation. This mode is concentrated at the edge of the system where 7^ 0. The higher spin flip modes have their 
minimum translated to p = —0.75. 


It is believed that standard quantum Hall samples may contain highly reconstructed edges with compressible 
and incompressible regions even for the integer quantum Hall states. If this is correct then to see the edge 
reconstructions to a textured (or a charge density wave) edge it may be necessary to have a sharper edge, possibly 
produced by cleaving. 

The main experimental signature of the textured edge is likely to be that it is depolarized and that it depends 
strongly on the Zeeman energy. It could be investigated by tunneling into the edge at various values of a tilted 
magnetic field or by using NMR. 

The edge reconstructions discussed here for the v ~1 edge may take place also at other ferromagnetic filling factors 
as well as in quantum dots. [ p^HT7[ | 


This talk is based on work with S. A. Kivelson and S. L. Sondhi. We are also grateful to S. Girvin, T. H. Hansson 
and A. H. MacDonald for useful discussions. The work is supported by the Swedish Natural Science Research Council. 

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